CRAZY: 1. Extremely Enthusiastic 28 of 65
Monday 27 January 2020:
“Burst out laughing on pulling my 28th card from a deck of Happiness Cards and got CRAZY! I am so glad to discover this card, (in Cheryle’s ‘culled from 250 to 65 words capturing happiness’ deck of cards(see below)
Given my context (read more here) is transformation (read more here) for the card Crazy, I can say many people, after they have completed the Landmark Forum become extremely enthusiastic about life itself and what it has to offer! However I have never heard the course being called crazy but maybe I missed something? Tee Hee
My extreme enthusiasm around World Peace came after I realised that; at the age of 30, my parents actually loved me (read story here) . From that moment, I dedicated my life to stopping the world fighting, as a gift to them, who both were kids experiencing WW2 first hand.
26 January 2020: Australia Day….a crazy day!
Around 4pm on a sunny afternoon, I did my regular bounce around Ocean Shores and I was wearing the following:
- A pair of purple “World Peace by 2020” branded hot pants,
- A yellow head band with the World Peace logo in the middle with the phrases “Pass It On!” And “You’re It!” written (in a large “easy to read from afar” font), on either side of the centred logo.
- A backpack caped with a yellow World Peace cloak.
- An Australian flag which stood out of the backpack.
- MP3 Sunglasses
- 2 kg wrist weights
- 1 pair of bounce boots (see picture)
As a consequence of this enthusiastic costume, I received cheers, shouts of World Peace by 2020 (see Instagram seeding) and my final return to the roadway (from the beach) was caught by a tall man with his mobile phone, filming this ‘spectacle’.
Given I am now used to such ‘LIVE CAPTURES’, I shouted ,in fast succession, the following noting I was “being with his camera all the way” and hopping towards him slowly.
- Happy Australia Day
- World Peace By Tuesday 15 September 2020
- Hash Tag
- It’s a TUESDAY!
Then a young man ran up toward me with his arms outstretched, as I was turning away.
I turned back and said “Why Not” and we hugged for around 30 seconds!
Wow, my enthusiasm certainly impacted the man! World Peace was so present I assert!
CRAZY: 2. Mad, especially as manifested in wild behaviour
This second definition has me relate to BEING MAD!
MAD: Making a Difference
I am mad, with a very wild way of self expression now thrown into the mix. Indeed, my self expression breakthrough ( read more here) came for the Introduction Leaders program I first did in 1995. The course ended on the 15 September 1995. At midnight, we completed the course on the Sydney Opera House when we performed a fire show for World Peace marking the Sydney Olympics which was 5 years away. The Australian Channel 10 news crew captured us fire breathers with the footage even reaching CNN news!
If any of you ever want to do a mighty (CRAZY) boot camp on yourself, I suggest you jump in and complete the 6 month Introduction Leaders program! I certainly had a breakthrough in full self expression, which was even captured on national news in New Zealand on 15 September 2000 during my second course!
As for the word CRAZY, when I picked the card today, I had an immediate laughter moment.
Well it was a recognition of myself, as I often REFLECT on my day’s OCCURANCES here in sunny Ocean Shores, Australia, as crazy. Crazy is a common thought I have with myself. Not bad or wrong, and simply quirky, unexpected, profound or something not of ‘THE NORM’.
Given the number of times I have been called crazy,( to my face or behind my back) is into the hundreds; I know that the word does empower me, as there is a warm smile coming from both parties, when I reflect. Know that I am committed to being Love expressed through Leadership,Inspiration, Energy and Enthusiasm, so my ‘crazy’ moments occur regularly which make me crazier, if you get my drift?!
PS “Let’s all get crazy, I enthusiastically suggest!”
A Big Thank You to Cheryle for letting me write these blogs around her cards, which I am consulting happily!!!
Please buy these wonderful “HAPPINESS ORACLE CARDS by Cheryle Teni; especially if you would like to FORWARD HAPPINESS for yourself and others:
PASS IT ON! YOU’RE IT! is our famous catch cry!
BUY CARDS HERE: <AUD$50.00 and includes postage to anywhere in Australia. Discount Code: #CHARLIE
About the Author:
Charles Crawshaw: “Personal Development and Learning New Things!”
Born in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, United Kingdom in September 1963, Charles started his personal development in October 1993; by learning something new, through a top training and education company called Landmark Worldwide.
New skills, new possibilities, new views on life, new ways of being and so much more have all been grown and expanded, with his ongoing participation. There are remarkable and inspiring courses for our young people (8-12-year-olds) and teenagers (13-18) which underline Charles’s passion for sharing this work with younger generations.
Future based training; breakthrough thinking and digital disruption are all embraced in his blogs, with his recommended courses pointing to many sources; including Landmark Worldwide and online, through Six Figure Mentors.
Charles thanks you for taking the time to read his blogs and, as taught to him by a 10-year-old boy called Reuben:
Pass It On! You’re It!
Personal development learning new ways of being
Personal development and learning new things is an ongoing gift for anyone seeking growth and expansion, both online and offline: Transformation