worlds peace charles crawshaw existence

Existence: State of Living 30 of 36

worlds peace charles crawshaw existence

Existence: State of Living 30 of 36

Many of you know I am participating in my second consecutive Wisdom Unlimited course run by Landmark Worldwide down here in Australia. During the course, 36 words/phrases were shared, where we could choose any one of them and take on as an initiative over the months of the course to inquire; Existence is one such word.

Looking from my life and where existence has shown up in a transformative way, I can see that firstly I had to look at how I automatically operated so I was ‘unlovable’ and a ‘failure’ (see more here). Looking back, I saw I had ‘existence’ structures that held those thoughts ‘as the truth’ for me.


One existence structure was located in my thoughts. I so clearly remember my ‘reactions’ whenever Cathy, my girlfriend for over 4 years (I was aged 25 – 29 years old), said ‘I love you!” My immediate thought each time was to say to myself:

  • ‘How can you love me?”’
  • “I don’t believe you!”
  • “You hate it when I kiss other girls and you hate it when I get drunk!”

These automatic existence thoughts reinforced my thought that Cathy could never really love me, (I completed with Cathy in my Landmark Forum apologising for being a ‘righteous jerk’ in our relationship.


Several existence structures for me “being a failure” was revealed when I participated in the Communication Course: Access to Power,(read more here) learning I had several existence structures that ‘displayed me as a failure’.

Existence: Structures that Support

What has opened up for me, in this Wisdom Unlimited Course between weekends 4 and 5, is my inquiry into the stages of development or existence of futures. At any one time, I can look at whatever project I am working on, and look for existence structures that support the stage my project is operating in.

Indeed one can make a whole list of ways of looking at what support structures can help you move one stage of development to another.

  • Phone calls
  • Emails
  • Websites
  • Diaries
  • Displays
  • Team Members
  • Conversations
  • Stand
  • Tools and Practices

These are all ways to look at one’s project and see where actions are taken with any one of these; and much more can move the project to the next stage of development.

Having taken World Peace By 2020, as one project I want to work on, in this Wisdom Unlimited program, I do indeed love existence structures to support my stand and promote the project (see and

What Existence Structures Empower You?

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