RECEIVE: To Get or be Given Something 58 of 65

transformation RECEIVE To Get or be Given Something charles crawshaw

RECEIVE:  To Get or be Given Something  58 of 65

If the context (read more here) for all these 65 blogs I am writing is transformation (read more here) using Cheryle’s Happiness cards,(see below) , then this card ‘RECEIVE’ is within the inquiry (ready inquiry blog here) of what it is to be human. With ontology (the study of the human being) being the foundation of Landmark Worldwide’s training and development and having participated for over 10 years with them, I can attest to an inquiry about ‘giving and receiving’.

For me, I became fiercely independent at a very young age (read my childhood here) meaning that I rarely asked for help. As a consequence, it was rare for me to be in the world of receiving things, unless it was my birthday or Christmas per say.

After completing my Landmark Forum in October 1993, and continuing with their curriculums, I learned that one can consider that by the age of 22, one’s life confronts a world of resignation, cynicism and complacency with all those significant childhood moments compounding this result. I was certainly in that boat when I began my journey into the world of personal development.


I was candidated as an “Introduction leader” on the second weekend of my Introduction leaders program. Having met the measures, I was happy, proud and acknowledged by my fellow participants. However, it was a different story on my third weekend training.

During this 6 month course, we were often put “on the stage”, in front of the other participants, and coached on the activity/exercise being demonstrated. It was effective as, whilst you might not have been on stage, the coaching given was easily absorbed by all participants such that we got trained ‘in the moment’. Human beings being human and all that follows.

It was my turn on the stage so I got up and started the exercise.

Coach: “Charles, what are you doing?”

Charles: “The exercise”

Coach: “No you’re not!”

Charles: “Yes I am”

Coach: “Charles, have you done your homework for this exercise?”

After much squirming, I finally admitted that I hadn’t done the homework.

Coach: You are an Introduction Leader now also and  do you remember you gave your word you would do all the exercises and homework at the beginning of this course”

Charles: Yes!

Coach:  You know we can throw you out? Anyway, you better get off the stage, as I can’t coach you, as you haven’t done the homework.

I slowly walked off the stage, noticing I was really present to my sense of being a failure (see failure video here) . It seemed to take forever.  Finally, just as I was about to sit down on my chair, next to a fellow attentive participant, my coach simply said:

“Charles, you know that we love you?!”

I burst into tears!

Wow, her timing was perfect and it struck home. There I was, pushing everyone in this course, away from me, and allowing little contribution. I was unapproachable and all the walls were there and yes, at that very moment, I finally got how much people loved me.

Afterwards, and reviewing this course with my friends/participants, for me, the course is designed for each and every one of us to go through the ‘eye of the needle’, guaranteeing transformation of self. That third weekend moment was my “eye of the needle’ moment where I blossomed on the other side! I will never forget RECEIVING THIS GIFT AS GOLD for my life!

Thank you Landmark Worldwide.


____________________________________________About the Author:

Charles Crawshaw: “Personal Development and Learning New Things!”

Born in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, United Kingdom in September 1963, Charles started his personal development in October 1993; by learning something new, through a top training and education company called Landmark Worldwide.

New skills, new possibilities, new views on life, new ways of being and so much more have all grown and expanded, with his ongoing participation. There are remarkable and inspiring courses for our young people (8-12-year-olds) and teenagers (13-18) which underline Charles’s passion for sharing this work with younger generations.

Future based training; breakthrough thinking and digital disruption are all embraced in his blogs, with his recommended courses pointing to many sources; including Landmark Worldwide and online, through Six Figure Mentors.

Charles thanks you for taking the time to read his blogs and, as taught to him by a 10-year-old boy called Reuben:

Pass It On! You’re It!



———————————————————————————————————A Big Thank You to Cheryle for letting me write these blogs around her cards, which I am consulting happily!!!

Please buy these wonderful “HAPPINESS ORACLE CARDS by Cheryle Teni; especially if you would like to FORWARD HAPPINESS for yourself and others:

PASS IT ON! YOU’RE IT! is our famous catch cry!

BUY CARDS HERE: <AUD$50.00 and includes postage to anywhere in Australia. Discount Code: #CHARLIE

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