REFLECTION: Serious Thought or Consideration 63 of 65
Viewing the card “Reflection” from these happiness cards, (see below) , instantly gives me a thought and how I relate to the word from a “transforming human being” point of view. An instant smile will indicate how happy I am with the word.
After completing my Landmark Forum in October 1993, which is based on ontology; (the study of being human), there was much for myself to reflect on how I operated in life. What was remarkable and revealing in these “reflections” was the realisation that I was so ‘asleep’ to what was occurring around me. No wonder they call these courses being all about ‘SELF AWARENESS”.
It is Tuesday 14 April 2020 and I have just completed a 5.5 hour inquiry into being with WHAT’S SO, with a webinar called:
A Place To Stand: Dealing with Challenging, Disruptive and Uncertain Times
“What’s So” by Werner Erhard
“What’s so is always just what’s so. What’s so doesn’t care what you think, feel, intend or wish; it will not bend. You can be freaked out or driven over what’s so, and it won’t change what’s so. If you’re late for an appointment, getting freaked out about it won’t have you arrive any earlier. If you’re having a bad day, being freaked out won’t change what’s so. That which you seek will not bring you satisfaction – aligning with what’s so will. When you’re upset, you’re never upset over what’s so. What’s so is just what’s so, and you’re upset.
If your house burns down and you get upset, does it bring your house back? What’s so doesn’t care if you’re upset; it’s up to you how you handle what’s so. There is no confusion in what’s so. When you don’t know you just don’t know – there is no confusion there. There’s nothing right or wrong about what’s so. What’s so is always open to different interpretations. There’s always just what’s so, and then you have an interpretation. What scares you isn’t what’s so, it’s your interpretation. The interpretation is never true; what’s so is real, the interpretation is not.
Who you’re being is just who you’re being, and what’s so doesn’t care if you’re happy with it or not, so why should you? When you’re not being with what’s so, that’s also just what’s so. Why should you concern yourself? Other people should always be the way they’re being; if you think they shouldn’t, that’s your interpretation. Bring yourself back to what’s so about them. Until you can be with what’s so, you can’t be with anything or anyone. You may have control over other people’s what’s so, but none over their interpretation – give it up.
If you take action or not, it’s still just what’s so. If it works out well or not, it’s still just what’s so. You can never make a right or wrong decision, or take a right or wrong action. Whatever you do will always bring you more of what’s so, and then you have an interpretation about it. Whatever you don’t have, so what? Whatever you’ve done or thought in the past, again so what? Whatever happens in the future is not to be feared. It’s just going to be more of what’s so. The challenge is to spend as much time in what’s so as you can. The chatter in your head is more interpretation, and it has nothing to do with what’s so. There’s nothing wrong with the chatter, it’s just you listening to a fantasy.
The thought that there is something wrong is an illusion; there is nothing wrong, there is only what’s so. Notice when you’re comparing what’s so to some fantasy of how it should be. Bring yourself back to what’s so and it will be O.K. Ask yourself what’s so, and align with that. Align with what’s so and it will not matter. That is the foundation of transformation and satisfaction. Not aligning with what’s so is the only thing that will ever bring you hardship or suffering. Life in what’s so will bring you harmony, grace, and balance. Ask yourself – what’s so about your situation?”
Reflecting on my stand for World Peace on Tuesday 15 September 2020, I know two what’s sos that can really be ENHANCED, SHARED, PROMOTED, ACTIONED by me and that it is in my speaking that this can/will occur, especially if I say who I am is Bold Leadership.
- March 23rd 2020: Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary General: “GLOBAL CEASEFIRE”
- April 5th 2020: Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary General: “GLOBAL CEASEFIRE FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE”
- March 23rd 2020: Global Citizen: FOREVER
- April 5th 2020: Global Citizen: FOREVER
- April 14th 2020: Global Citizen to United Nations: “Global Transformation of all Weapons Industries Forever”
Hah, declared here and PASS IT ON as an invitation. Please note that as soon as Antonio declared/requested these statements, my what’s so was all the “Out of integrities” (read integrity blog here) that are immediately there with the statement,( Libya, and Syria, today, spring to mind as they are still fighting). As for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, maybe we can generate (read generate blog here) new hastags like #Hehitme#SheHitme#Itsnotok that can become so loud, so as to be a useful consequence of any perpetrator?
____________________________________________About the Author:
Charles Crawshaw: “Personal Development and Learning New Things!”
Born in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, United Kingdom in September 1963, Charles started his personal development in October 1993; by learning something new, through a top training and education company called Landmark Worldwide.
New skills, new possibilities, new views on life, new ways of being and so much more have all grown and expanded, with his ongoing participation. There are remarkable and inspiring courses for our young people (8-12-year-olds) and teenagers (13-18) which underline Charles’s passion for sharing this work with younger generations.
Future based training; breakthrough thinking and digital disruption are all embraced in his blogs, with his recommended courses pointing to many sources; including Landmark Worldwide and online, through Six Figure Mentors.
Charles thanks you for taking the time to read his blogs and, as taught to him by a 10-year-old boy called Reuben:
Pass It On! You’re It!
————————————————————————————————————–A Big Thank You to Cheryle for letting me write these blogs around her cards, which I am consulting happily!!!
Please buy these wonderful “HAPPINESS ORACLE CARDS by Cheryle Teni; especially if you would like to FORWARD HAPPINESS for yourself and others:
PASS IT ON! YOU’RE IT! is our famous catch cry!
BUY CARDS HERE: <AUD$50.00 and includes postage to anywhere in Australia. Discount Code: #CHARLIE