SERENITY: Peaceful and Untroubled 8 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word ‘Serenity’, from these 55 “Medicine Wheel” cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that my interpretation of what serenity meant to me, after my personal development journey began in 1993 , was completely transformed.
Well, at the time; I was 30 years old, single and curious, about what else life had to offer for me, and I used The Landmark Forum to discover some new ways of being, (Landmark’s work is all about Ontology: the study of being human).
Wow! No wonder! Holy Toledo! Aged 30 and my ‘near death’ stabbing (aged 18) had me become brave, fearless, wild! (read story here) There were rarely moments of ‘serenity’ in my life where alcohol, drugs and crazy parties were the norm. I was so ‘driven’ for ‘stimulants’ for life that slowing down and ‘smelling the roses’ were so infrequent in my life.
Today May 15, 2020 : I declare there is an abundance of serenity, even with my stand for causing the World Peace Take Off Parties on Tuesday 15 September 2020. What has been remarkable is that ,ever since I started the Ceasefire Project on 15 September 1995, when some 20 fire breathers gained CNN news, spruiking our stand for World Peace by the opening ceremony of the Sydney Olympics exactly 5 years later, my demeanour around causing World Peace has been serene simply as I have always honoured my stand .
Having learnt that “being a stand’ (read blog on stands) allows for something, I can certainly share that it has grown, evolved and taken many shapes:
- Fire Shows with background music, including a voiceover sharing the Peace and Fire Journey with a “CAUSED WORLD PEACE” as a final remark and speaking from “the year 2020” context (read context blog here).
- Websites devoted to World Peace (,, )
- Online television station focussed on World Peace as one legacy being caused
- A name badge business that builds membership for the World Peace movement (
- An excel spreadsheet of all 195 Countries with relevant information of female leaders (leader, first lady or declared) with emails/phone numbers and print and tv media.
- Local regular ‘live bounces’ where “my deliberate spectacle” is relayed through my community of Ocean Shores, Australia to anywhere in the world thanks to “brown cardigan’s” instagram post on 27 May 2018.
- Facebook and Messenger now have SHARABLE GIFS tagged with #wp2020 and #passiton which display World Peace by 2020 banners and even one with myself stepping on a red button to empower 25 million Australians to join me on Tuesday 15 September 2020 for the World Peace Take Off Parties: Pass It On!
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Thanks for reading and I promise to keep you posted!
Peace and Health to you and your families,
Bold Leadership
Bold Leadership Causing The Unimaginable
New skills, new possibilities, new views on life, new ways of being and so much more have all grown and expanded, with his ongoing participation. There are remarkable and inspiring courses for our young people (8-12-year-olds) and teenagers (13-18) which underline Charles’s passion for sharing this work with younger generations.
Future based training; breakthrough thinking and digital disruption are all embraced in his blogs, with his recommended courses pointing to many sources; including Landmark Worldwide and online, through Six Figure Mentors.
Charles thanks you for taking the time to read his blogs and, as taught to him by a 10-year-old boy called Reuben:
Pass It On! You’re It!
#passiton #wp2020 #itsatuesday #bethenews #brandyou #charlescrawshaw #queenspeace #worldpeaceontuesday15september2020 #badgemeup #globalceasefire #2020yearofglobalnewagreements #keyboardin #besttraining #personaldevelopment #landmarkworldwide #ceasefireproject #boldleadership #australiantribe #causingyou #hoppingworld #governmentcitizen #25million #wp2020 #birmingham2022 #badgemeup #positioningpowerfully #bouncingboots #oceanshorestv #hoppingworld
. : Building Confidence for a Laptop Lifestyle ——————————