TRUTH: Sincerity in Action, Character, and Utterance 43 of 65

TRUTH Sincerity in Action Character and Utterance Charles Crawshaw

TRUTH: Sincerity in Action, Character, and Utterance 43 of 65

If the context (read more here) for all these 65 blogs I am writing is transformation (read more here) using Cheryle’s Happiness cards,(see below) , then this card ‘Truth’ requires me to generate (read more here) something of relevance.

The closest I can write to the truth is when I participated in the Integrity seminar, where one looked at being true to oneself. In fact, I have learned that one can operate with power when all of one’s integrity is in! (Read Integrity blog here).

Having participated in the Introduction Leaders Program run by Landmark Worldwide, the key distinction we looked into over the 6 month course was our integrity. What I learned was that when I cleaned up integrity with myself and other people, miracles occur; as I can say I was operating with the truth to myself, (watch resulting national news story; a miracle to me).

In fact , when one looks at one’s authenticity ( read more here) , what opens up is a new access to a way of being that I have found, over the years, has my life working powerfully.




———————————————————————————————————A Big Thank You to Cheryle for letting me write these blogs around her cards, which I am consulting happily!!!

Please buy these wonderful “HAPPINESS ORACLE CARDS by Cheryle Teni; especially if you would like to FORWARD HAPPINESS for yourself and others:

PASS IT ON! YOU’RE IT! is our famous catch cry!

BUY CARDS HERE: <AUD$50.00 and includes postage to anywhere in Australia. Discount Code: #CHARLIE


About the Author:

Charles Crawshaw: “Personal Development and Learning New Things!”

Born in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, United Kingdom in September 1963, Charles started his personal development in October 1993; by learning something new, through a top training and education company called Landmark Worldwide.

New skills, new possibilities, new views on life, new ways of being and so much more have all been grown and expanded, with his ongoing participation. There are remarkable and inspiring courses for our young people (8-12-year-olds) and teenagers (13-18) which underline Charles’s passion for sharing this work with younger generations.

Future based training; breakthrough thinking and digital disruption are all embraced in his blogs, with his recommended courses pointing to many sources; including Landmark Worldwide and online, through Six Figure Mentors.

Charles thanks you for taking the time to read his blogs and, as taught to him by a 10-year-old boy called Reuben:

Pass It On! You’re It!

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